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TECORP 300 W 70 Ohm Wirewound Resistor 300W 70Ohm
TECORP 300 W 70 Ohm Wirewound Resistor 300W 70Ohm

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Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days (depending on stock status)
Product Code: WRES300W70OHMS

Description Extended Information

TECORP 300 W 70 Ohm Silicon Coated Wirewound Resistor 300W 70Ohm

Condition: New.


  • Strong Terminals

  • Resistance Value unchanged after long term use.

  • Mounting hardware

  • These resistors are suitable as loading resistors, braking resistor, capacitor discharge & many more application.


Mfg NameTECORP Electronics Co.
Rated power300 Watt
Resistance70 Ohm
Operating Temp-55C to +250C (-67F to +482F)
Dielectric StrengthAC1000V for 1 min
Short Time Over Load10 X Wattage Rating, 5 sec
Load LifeWattage Rating 1.5 h On, 30min off, 1000h
Shipping weight4 lb

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