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JPAC-C342 ETC008584 Yaskawa Gate Driver Spindle PCB MT3
JPAC-C342 ETC008584 Yaskawa Gate Driver Spindle PCB MT3

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Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Days (depending on stock status), Repair or Exchange options available
Product Code: JPAC-C342

Description Extended Information

JPAC-C342 ETC008584 Yaskawa Base Gate Driver Spindle Board PCB for VS-626 MT3 Drives 3.7-7.5kW

Condition: Used. Tested. Fully refurbished. 6 Months limited warranty. Repair / Exchange with same day shipping options available.

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CategoryPCB Printed Circuit Boards
Mfg NameYaskawa Electric Co.
Part NumberJPAC-C342 or JPACC342 or ETC008584
Shipping weight5 lb

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